Membership Categories
PLEASE BE ADVISED: The Executive Committee shall have the power to revise the fees from time to time and the same will become effective after the General Body ratifies it.
Life Member
Medical Practitioner registered in India under the IMC Act 1956 or recognized by the Government of India and practicing, teaching or doing research in the science and art of surgery and holding a post graduate qualification in surgery (including its specialities) recognized by the Government of India shall be eligible for Full Life Membership. He has to pay an Entrance fee of Rs.100/- along with the Life subscription fee of Rs.10000/-.
Associate Life Member
Medical practitioner registered in India under the IMC Act 1956 or recognized by the Government of India and engaged in the practice of branches of medical sciences auxillary to surgery or who is a post graduate student in a MCI / Government of India recognized surgery course is eligible to become an Associate Member. He will have to pay the Life subscription fee same as that of a Full Life Member. Associate Life Member may be advanced to Full Life Membership on his being eligible for the same.
Honorary Member
A person considered suitable and desirable by the Executive Committee may be enrolled as Honorary Member, subject to the following rules:
Candidates shall be persons who are internationally recognized in the field of Surgery.
They should have trained Indian Surgeons or visited India for academic purposes.
The proposal along with all records of the candidates should reach the Honorary Secretary by 1st October each year for the following year.
The selected candidate should present himself personally to receive the Honorary Membership of the Association.
The number of Honorary members admitted shall not exceed three during any year.
Overseas Member
Medical practitioners registered in countries other than India and practicing the science and art of Surgery outside India shall be eligible for membership in this category. He should hold postgraduate qualifications in Surgery (including its specialties). He may be a foreign national He has to pay an Entrance fee of 5 US Dollars along with the Life subscription fee of 1500 US Dollars
Senior Member
Existing Annual Full Member who has attained the age of 60 and 25 years of continuous Membership may opt for Senior Membership. Senior Member is exempted from paying an annual subscription. He cannot participate in Elections / hold offices / receive honours of ASI. Those non-members over 60 years of age who are eligible under rule 3A(a) can directly become a Senior Member by payment of 50% of the Life subscription.
Full Annual Member
Existing Annual Members, who are paying their subscriptions annually will continue till their annual membership is paid regularly / termination / resignation / death. Else they can convert their membership category to Full Life Membership / Senior Membership by paying of appropriate fees as mentioned in Rule 3(A) (a) & (e). No new admission will be made in this category.
Full / Associate Life Membership Fee: Rs. 11,800/- (10,000 + 18% GST). ID Card charges Rs. 100/
Overseas Members SAARC Membership fee: $ 1500 or equivalent (one-time payment)

Membership Application
Payment Details
PLEASE NOTE: Additional 200 Rs. applicable if paying online in lieu of bank charges.
Applicants are requested to make a Demand Draft / RTGS Transfer as per the details given below :
Name of the bank A/C: The Association of Surgeons of India
A/C no: 06780100001648
Type of account: SB Account
Bank name: Bank of Baroda
Branch name:Triplicane
Branch Address of the Bank: Bank of Baroda, 280, Triplicane Branch, Chennai – 600 005
MICR code / Branch code: 600012017
Association of Surgeons of India GST Details
GST Number 33AAATT1233G1ZY